The Bible's message is for all.

Study Opportunities

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.”
2 Timothy 3:16

Bible Classes

Classes for every age group are provided on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am, and Wednesday evenings at 7 pm.

Independent Bible Studies/Small Groups

The study of the Good News isn’t restricted to a church building! Join us in one of our small study groups — at homes or in other comfortable and more personal environments outside of the building.


If you have questions, there are people here who are ready and willing to help you find the answers you seek, even in a one-on-one setting. Let us know how we can help.

World Bible School

If you’re not quite ready (or able) to go to a church building or a small group gathering to learn, but still have questions needing to be answered, consider the World Bible School. Study in the comfort of your own home. Study online, or by lessons and correspondence mailed to you.

Heritage Christian University

This small Christian university in Florence, Alabama is dedicated to Biblical education, both through on-campus classes and an expanding distance learning program.


Our church has supported Heritage Christian University financially for several years. In turn, they support churches through online course offerings – including some that are offered at no charge – on topics that help us in our understanding of God’s word.


To check them out, or to enroll in one of their online offerings, tap or click here to visit the Heritage Christian University website.

Wednesday Worship in Song

While studying the Bible is important, singing is another essential area of our worship. Singing provides the means for each and every one of us to praise our Lord and savior using our own voice, rather than listening to someone else do it.


This is why we devote one Wednesday night each month to singing: learning new songs, improving ourselves at singing the old ones, and just having a great time singing together.


Yes, you are definitely invited! It happens on the second Wednesday night of every month at 7 pm.